Treatment methods & diagnostic tools
We utilise the most effective evidence-based natural treatments including botanical, prebiotic, probiotic and natural medicines.
What's involved in diagnosis & determining the best treatment options
The first consultation takes up to one hour during which a full medical history is taken covering every aspect of your health.
- Several naturopathic, oriental medical examination and assessment methods are used to arrive at a diagnosis.
- Depending on the condition these can include ultrasound
- The best treatment approach will then be determined for your specific condition and may include one or more of the treatments below.
- Women of any age or constitution can be treated.
- Any previous or current illness or medication is taken into account before treatment is given.
- Pregnant women can be safely and effectively treated using natural botanical medicines.
"Trevor is so professional and at the same time absolutely 'informal' which made me relaxed any time l was with him. He is caring and understanding, treats patients with respect". Mille, London, UK Read more
Diagnostic Ultrasound
Ultrasound is particularly well suited to natural healthcare as it is totally safe and non-invasive. Our high resolution 3D GE Voluson S10 ultrasound machine improves diagnosis with its outstanding image quality and enhanced visualisation and measurement technologies.
Gynaecologic ultrasound helps in diagnosing and monitoring treatment progress for uterine abnormalities such as fibroids, polyps and cancer and ovarian abnormalities such as cysts, polycystic ovaries, infections and cancers.
Ultrasound is particularly helpful in monitoring follicle (egg) development and endometrium thickness during fertility treatment.
If you are pregnant, an ultrasound examination can be used to confirm the location of the pregnancy, to determine the approximate date of conception and expected date of delivery, and to evaluate the fetus (or fetuses) and the environment in which the fetus is growing.
Modern ultrasound also allows simple non-invasive assessment of fallopian tube patency.
Ultrasound is particularly helpful in assessing the following groups of patients:
- Teenagers and young women experiencing menstrual problems and late menstrual onset
- Women who are trying to become pregnant
- Pregnant women
- Women of all ages with gynaecological disorders
- Women suffering menopausal symptoms
- Women concerned about cancer risk of the ovary or endometrium.
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic medicine emphasises prevention, treatment and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods and substances that encourage individuals’ inherent self-healing processes. Treatments include nutritional medicine, herbal medicine, acupuncture and probiotics.
Founded upon a holistic philosophy, naturopathic medicine combines safe and effective traditional therapies with the most current advances in modern medicine.
The practice of naturopathic medicine includes modern and traditional, scientific and empirical methods. Naturopathic medicine is appropriate for the management of a broad range of health conditions affecting all people of all ages.
Naturopathic medicine is distinguished by the principles which underlie and determine its practice. These principles are based upon the objective observation of the nature of health and disease, and are continually re-examined in the light of scientific advances.
Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine uses natural drug-free medicinal substances that are mainly extracted from plants. They can be taken as vegetable capsules, tablets, tinctures or drinks or applied externally in the form of lotions or ointments depending on the condition.
Herbal medicine is the most widely practiced medical system in the world today, with over one quarter of the world's population benefiting from this treatment. Conventional medicine has now researched and recognised the actions of many herbal medicinals confirming what traditional medicine physicians have known and practiced for thousands of years.
Herbal medicines are selected according to individual diagnosis, helping to stimulate the body to maximise healing capacity and speed of recovery, strengthening immunity and increasing energy levels.
Herbal medicines tend to work less quickly than synthetic pharmaceutical drugs but more gently and, in most cases, with no side effects. Whilst having no side effects, they can still have a strong effect on the body and can be used to treat even severe or chronic conditions.
All our pharmacies are controlled by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) and the RCHM (Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine) to assure the highest quality and that our medicines adhere strictly to the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) regulations.
Adverse reactions are extremely rare and are negligible when compared to those commonly produced by many of today's pharmaceutical drugs. When practiced correctly by qualified physicians, herbal medicines are very safe. They are carefully considered for their therapeutic and biomedical effects, contraindications and interactions with any pharmaceutical drugs you are taking, ensuring prescriptions are safe and tailored to your particular health needs.
Oriental Medicine
Modern oriental medicine is based on an holistic view of mind, body and spirit, helping to accelerate the natural healing power inherent in the human body. It involves a highly individualised approach to arrive at a unique treatment plan optimised for healing each individual patient.
Oriental medicine in general and Chinese Medicine in particular is the oldest professionally practiced form of medicine in the world and has academic literature dating back almost 2,500 years.
With conventional medicine the same disease is treated with the same treatment and not tailored to the individual person. Traditional Chinese Medicine is the most developed and proven system of oriental medicine and as the causes of illness that effect mankind have evolved this ancient medical system has undergone continual development for over 4000 years.
Health is more than just the absence of disease and Chinese Medicine has the unique capability of harmonising and enhancing our capacity for enjoyment, fulfilment, well-being and happiness.
Many people choose to use Chinese Medicine as a preventative treatment to maintain good health, as well as correcting ill health.
The specific type of Chinese Medicine practiced at the Women's Natural Health Clinic is "Modern Chinese Medicine" which makes use of state-of-the-art technology to assist in diagnosis, whilst treating in the traditional natural ways.
Probiotic Medicine
Probiotics are live micro-organisms that promote a healthy digestive tract and immune system are able to help prevent and treat illnesses including urinary and vaginal problems. Probiotics are also commonly known as friendly, good or healthy bacteria.
Meaning "for life", probiotics are live micro-flora supplements given in a variety of ways to improve the balance of beneficial micro-flora in the intestinal tract. This normal microflora prevents the overgrowth of potentially pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal tract.
Sometimes, due to viral or bacterial infections, diet, lifestyle changes, antibiotic use and other factors, the normal bacteria in our intestinal tract become depleted, allowing the potentially pathogenic bacteria to overgrow.
Probiotic micro-flora suppress harmful bacteria such as E.Coli and Salmonella. They are also engaged in beneficial activities such as essential vitamin production and digestion of food components, and they are thought to have a role in stimulating the immune system.
Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing developed over thousands of years in China, Japan and beyond. It is extremely effective in a wide variety of conditions through its power to stimulate the mind and body's own healing response and restore energy balance to maintain health.
Acupuncture has evolved into a system of medicine that restores energy balance and maintains health by the insertion of fine sterile needles into acupuncture points just beneath the body surface.
There are 365 commonly used points on the body and over 2000 in total. These points are in very specific locations and lie on channels of energy.
Here in the West, acupuncture has often been misleadingly publicised as only being helpful for specific conditions, such as the relief of pain.
In fact, it is extremely effective in a wide variety of conditions through its power to stimulate the mind and body's own healing response.
Contrary to some people's belief, acupuncture is not a painful treatment. We use modern sterile, disposable needles which are extremely fine gauge and achieve an energy sensation rather than discomfort. Treatment is performed conforming to the highest standards of sterile procedures approved by the Department of Health.
There are two forms of acupuncture licensed in the UK, Professional acupuncture and Medical acupuncture. We provide Professional acupuncture The differences are important to understand before deciding which is right for you.
Conventional Medicine
Conventional and natural medicine can work together to achieve health and well-being. Integrative medicine combine naturopathic and modern biomedicine to arrive at individual holistic treatment plan for each patient using the appropriate combination of medicines. We work with a group of specialist conventional medicine doctors and can refer you when needed.
Conventional medicine mainly focuses on understanding and correcting the underlying problems that are causing your symptoms. In many instances these aren’t fully understood, although there have been major advances in recent years. Conventional medicine is often criticised for treating the condition and not the person. Conventional medicine is increasingly recognising the importance of patient involvement and choice in deciding treatment, and many argue this is due to the influence of complementary medicine approaches.
Wherever possible we treat holistically with natural medicine. However there are conditions that are best treated with a combination of conventional and natural medicine and will refer you to one of our specialist conventional medicine colleagues.
This approach has become known as "integrated medicine".
Prebiotic Medicine
Prebiotic medicine focuses on maintaining health and preventing the body becoming ill. Recent research has discovered the importance of the human microbiome in maintaining an optimal state of good health. Intolerance to food and liquids and infections can destroy the finely balanced microbiome leading to ill heath.
Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that can be utilised by probiotics. Prebiotics are selectively utlilised in the gut to increase healthy bacteria. They aid digestion and enhance the production of valuable vitamins. They also promote growth of beneficial bacteria (lactobacilli and bifidobacteria), without feeding the ‘bad’ types. Good bacteria play a significant role in regulating the immune system, inhibiting the growth of pathogens (disease causing bacteria) and digesting food. Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) are the most advanced form of prebiotics. They belong to a group of particular nutrient fibres that feed and encourage the growth of good bacteria in the gut.
The major source of prebiotics is dietary fibre. They occur naturally in fruits and vegetables, but you can also take them in the form of nutritional supplements for maximum health benefits. While all prebiotics are fibres, not all fibres are prebiotics. The common forms of dietary fibre present in the majority of plant based foods and grains are less selectively fermented by the bacteria in the gut and lack some of the health benefits demonstrated by prebiotics.