Balanced & integrated approach

We listen carefully to our patients to understand their unique needs and determine the best integrated treatment approach for each patient.

What is Integrative Medicine?

Integrative Medicine is healing-oriented holistic medicine that takes account of the whole person, including all aspects of health and lifestyle. It emphasises the therapeutic relationship between practitioner and patient, is informed by evidence, and makes use of the appropriate therapies for any given condition.

Principles of Integrative Medicine

  • Patient and practitioner are partners in the healing process.
  • All factors that influence health, wellness and disease are taken into consideration.
  • Appropriate use of both conventional and complementary methods are used to facilitate the body's innate healing response.
  • Effective interventions that are natural and less invasive should be used whenever possible.
  • Integrative medicine neither rejects conventional medicine nor accepts alternative therapies uncritically.
  • Good medicine is based on good science. Integrative medicine is enquiry-driven and open to new paradigms.
  • Alongside the concept of treatment, the broader concepts of health promotion and the prevention of illness are paramount.

"Suddenly, I had my life and my womb back, without the surgeon’s knife anywhere near me.  It’s no exaggeration to say it felt like a real life miracle."   Nina, London, UK     Read more

We offer a comprehensive range of health services including:

General Female Health


Gastro-Intestinal Health

Menopausal Programs

Monitored Cycle Fertility Assessment

Natural Birth Control

Natural Labour Induction

Obstetric and Gynaecology Ultrasound

Pre-conception Programs

Pregnancy Well-being

Post-partum Recovery

Reproductive Health and Infertility

Sexual Health

What is good health?

The conventional  medicine view of good health is an absence of any signs of obvious illness. In contrast, the natural holistic view of good health views well-being in terms of the optimum balance of mind, body and spirit. Healthy women show signs of harmony, balance, happiness and holistic well-being.

When to seek help?

Healthy women show signs of harmony, balance, happiness and holistic well-being. The conventional  medicine view of good health is an absence of any signs of obvious illness. In contrast, the natural holistic view of good health views well-being in terms of the optimum balance of mind, body and spirit.

In the holistic model of health the right time to seek help is at the first signs of unusual feelings or observations about one's self. These are often ignored yet are warning signs of imbalance and potential health problems to follow. These can range from lack of energy, interrupted sleeping patterns, skin, weight and emotional problems to difficulties with mobility, digestion, circulation and fertility.

Characteristics of holistic good health and wellbeing for women


Your mind is quick, alert, imaginative and your memory is good


Your appetite is normal and you are hungry in the mornings

Blood Vessels

Your blood vessels can be seen on the skin surface but do not bulge out


You feel neither cold or hot most of the time or continually have cold hands or feet, and no pins and needles or numbness


Your digestion, bowel evacuation and urination all occur without any discomfort


Your emotions are balanced and even. There is not too much anger, joy, fear, anxiety, worry, impulsiveness or procrastination


You have plenty of energy and feel positive about life and yourself

Bodily excretions

Your sweat, urine, faeces, saliva and vaginal discharge are normal consistency, colour and do not have a strong or unpleasant odour


When you decide to conceive you do so within 6 months of unprotected intercourse (age 16-30) or 12 months (age 30-45)


Your hair is shiny, neither too thin or too thick. It doesn't grow where hair is not normally present on a female

Menstruation Cycle

Your menstrual cycle is regular (25-35 days), with a menstrual flow of between 5-7 days and without excessive discomfort

Menstruation flow

The flow is red (not brown, purple or black) and with no clots

Menstruation spotting

You have no inter-menstrual (between periods) spotting or spotting or pain after intercourse

Menstruation pain

You have no prolonged increasing abdominal pain and no recurrent or prolonged vaginal bleeding or discharge


Your limbs move easily, without discomfort or stiffness and with strength and precision


You have no fixed location abdominal pain, fever or vaginal odour or vaginal bleeding more than spotting


Your skin is clear, smooth, and lustrous and warm to touch, firm and slightly moist


Your sleep is fulfilling, uninterrupted, not dream disturbed and you wake refreshed


Your posture is erect and held with ease without muscle pain or cramps


Your desire for fluids is balanced, and increases naturally in hot weather and with exercise


You are within the normal weight range for your height (BMI between 20 and 25)